Dorkpod Electric Vehicle assembly day seven by Tinkersmiths Makerspace. On this day we install the Dorkpod on the drivetrain .
Dorkbot Lowered on Drivetrain and Bolted onto Drivetrain Chassis.
Dorkbot Lowered on Drivetrain with Lift.
CNC'ed Dorkpod Lift Jig Being Installed on Hoist.
CNC'ed Dorkpod Lift Jig Installed on Hoist.
CNC Milling the Dorkpod Lift Jig.
Assembling the Dorkpod with a lift. Spring for a Little Fun.
Assembling the Dorkpod with a lift. This is a jig to lift the device.
CNC'ed Dorkpod Lift Jig Edged with Router.